Jordan and Jason Timotiwu
© 2025 Martin Schoeller

Twins have long been a source of fascination. Even when separated at birth, identical twins can have uncannily similar tastes, habits, and life experiences. In this landmark photographic study, Martin uses his distinctive close-up portrait style to examine sets of identical twins and multiples. In capturing every subtle aspect of their facial structure, myriad similarities and seemingly miniscule - yet significant - differences are revealed, leaving one to ponder how appearence and identity are defined by individuals.

2015, Group Exhibition, Portrait(s) Vichy Photography Festival, Vichy, France
2013, Identical, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
2013, Identical, Hasted Kraeutler, New York, New York, USA
First edition - out of print
Foreword by Marina Abramović

Selected Press
A Thing or Two About Twins, National Geographic, USA
The Photographic Fascination With Twins, NPR, USA
Spikkels, AD Algemeen Dagblad, Germany
Täuschend ähnlich, natürlich gleich, Bücher, Germany
Photographer Martin Schoeller searches for the unique in identical twins, BBC News, UK
Identität, Brigitte, Germany
Nimm zwei! Der Fotoband “Identical”,, Germany
Close-up Porträts von Zwillingen, Foto Video, Germany
“Identical”: Schoeller porträtiert Zwillinge, ColorFoto, Germany
Signifikante Unterschiede, Das Magazin, Germany
Spiegelkabinett, Digitale Fotografie, Germany
Unser Bildband Des Monats, Digital Photo, Germany
Gleich und doch ungleich, DOCMA, Germany
Martin Schoeller hat für einen Bildband Zwillinge fotografiert, Du & Ich, Germany
Contributors, Esquire UK, UK
Der Portraitfotograf Martin Schoeller, Euromaxx, Germany
Dubbelspel, Excellent Wonen & Lenen, Netherlands
Do These Identical Twins Look The Same To You?, FastCompany, USA
Gleich, gleicher, fotoforum, Germany
Martin Schoeller: Identical, fotomagazin, Germany
Entlawende Nähe, fotomagazin, Germany
Buch: Martin Schoeller’s “Identical: Portraits of Twins” ist eine fesselnde Fotokollektion zu einem ewig faszinierenden Thema, GEDK, Germany
Ich Erkenne Dich!, Geokompakt, Germany
Martin Schoeller, “Identical: Portraits of Twins”, GQ, Germany
Einzigartig, Himbeer, Germany
Das andere ich, Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, Germany
Die innere Angst vor dem Identitätsverlust, Kölnische Rundschau, Germany
Kulturjournal: Verschimmelt und verhökert, NDR, Germany
Nel Segno, La Repubblica Velvet, Italy
Identical: Portraits of Twins Tweeluiken, Photo Digitaal, Netherlands
Martin Schoeller Nah Dran, in den USA, Photonews, Germany
Neue Bücher, Profifoto, Germany
Martin Schoeller Identical, SHUTR, Netherlands
Zwillings-Porträts von Martin Schoeller, Spiegel, Germany
Martin Schoeller Takes Over Instagram, The New Yorker, USA
Der Fotograf Martin Schoeller zeigt, warum uns Zwillinge so faszinieren,, Germany
Fotograf Face to Face, Die Welt, Germany
Doppelt Gemoppelt, Wiener Journal, Germany