Martin: “How long have you been living on the streets?”
Keya: “Off and on since my mom died in 2012.”
M: “She must have been young, your mom?”
K: “Forty-two. She had a heart attack.”
M: “Just out of the blue?”
K: “Yeah.”
M: “I’m sorry to hear that. You don’t have a job?”
K: “No, when she passed away I lost my job and that’s how I lost my apartment and that’s how I ended up out here.”
M: “You lost your job because you couldn’t get it together?”
K: “They put me in a… I was like real, real depressed so they put me in a mental hospital. And once I got out I had nothing left. I was out here.”
M: “And your dad?”
K: “Nah, he wasn’t around at all actually. I saw him probably four times in my whole life and that was it.”
Keya: “Off and on since my mom died in 2012.”
M: “She must have been young, your mom?”
K: “Forty-two. She had a heart attack.”
M: “Just out of the blue?”
K: “Yeah.”
M: “I’m sorry to hear that. You don’t have a job?”
K: “No, when she passed away I lost my job and that’s how I lost my apartment and that’s how I ended up out here.”
M: “You lost your job because you couldn’t get it together?”
K: “They put me in a… I was like real, real depressed so they put me in a mental hospital. And once I got out I had nothing left. I was out here.”
M: “And your dad?”
K: “Nah, he wasn’t around at all actually. I saw him probably four times in my whole life and that was it.”